Energy is the currency of life.
Accelerate healing therapies.
Non-invasive, no sound, no heat and no side effects.
Welcome to the KLOUD.
With more than 20,000 articles, publications and studies on the effectiveness of PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field) devices, the KLOUD is the next generation of electroceuticals.
Activate molecules, energize cells, tissues and organs. Recharge your entire body and brain in 15 minute sessions on the KLOUD.
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Activation
The Next Generation of PEMF Technology
You may have heard of PEMF…or even had prior experience with the technology. This is a whole new class of device called PEMA (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Activation). These Swiss engineered therapy mats were developed by Dr. Wolf Kafka, the Godfather of PEMF.
Registered with the FDA as Class 1 Medical devices. The Centropix KLOUD delivers 50x molecular activation compared with traditional PEMF devices. The benefits include energy, endurance, recovery, anti-aging, concentration, focus, weight loss, muscle building, stress reduction and improved sleep.
Here at Hill Country Health Store we can schedule a session, you can rent the mat for a week or even purchase your own for at-home use.
Energize your life. Elevate your health.